Monday, March 12, 2012

Takoyaki Sauce

This sauce is super simple to make at home.  Why buy it at the Japanese market?? Whip it up at home in less than 5 minutes!!!! This sauce is also perfect for dipping katsu or katsu sandwiches.  Give it a try, you’ll love it!!!

Ketchup                         ¼ cup
Ginger grated                   2 teaspoon
Garlic, minced                 2 teaspoon
Worcestershire sauce       2 tablespoon
Sake                                 2 tablespoon
Mirin                                2 tablespoon
Sugar                               2 tablespoon

1. Measure all ingredients into a sauce pan and bring to a boil, then cook over medium heat about 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Skim any foam on surface of sauce.  Cook until thickened. 

Serving: 1 cup


  1. if dont want to use sake can replace with anything else or not? cos i cant add alcohol

    1. Dear Miss N.A.M, it won't taste the same, but you can use any kind of sweet juice, like these, apple cider, pineapple juice, grape juice, sprite...etc. Then add a bit of brown sugar or Vietnamese fish sauce to it! Good luck! (^_−)−☆

  2. is there any replacement for worcestershire sauce?

    1. Try steak or A1 sauce.

      Why? You don't like Worcestershire sauce?? It's a great condiment!! =)

  3. THANK YOU! I didn't want to spend the silly ebay/amazon prices on the sauce, and I couldn't find it in the asian store. Seriously thanks!
    Do you know the recipe for the other sauce used? (Looks like mayonnaise, and is a beige colour)
