Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Buttermilk Panna Cotta

I went with a bunch of friends from Italy to an Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills not so long ago before attending a Charity event at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, and I loved their pizza and Panna Cotta. This is my take on that!!!

A Ingredients
Gelatin                              2 teaspoon
Water                                2 tablespoon

B Ingredients
Heavy whipping cream       1 ¼ cups
Sugar                                   1/3 cup

C Ingredients
Buttermilk               1 ½ cups

1. Stir together A ingredients in a small mixing bowl, let sit 5 minutes until the gelatin dissolves in water. 
2. Heat B ingredients in a sauce pan, stir until sugar melted, remove from heat just right below boiling point, add A ingredients, stir to melt completely.  Add the C ingredients to the mixture. 
3. Strain the mixture through a cheese cloth into a spouted measuring cup. 
4. Pour the mixture into 6 little glass bowls.  Let sit 2 hours in room temperature until set, then refrigerate. 
5. Run a knife through the edge of the panna cotta, then dip the bottom of the glass bowl into hot water for about 8-10 seconds.  Then turn the glass bowl over to invert the panna cotta into its serving plate.  Serve with a bit of heavy whipping cream or jam!!!

Serving: 6

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