Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pineapple Cheeseburger

Last week, when everyone was hanging out near the kitchen and garage in the front yard, a guy with a refrigerated delivery truck came to the house and asked if we’d be interested in buying some frozen packed beef.  In the end, we bought $150 worth of all kinds of different meat, a big box full.  There were fillet mignon wrapped in bacon, hanger steak, carne asada, teriyaki marinade beef…etc.  One of them was steak hamburger patties.  Okay, let’s make some burgers!!! Fried eggs and grilled pineapple are traditional ingredients to put into a burger.  Here is my favorite way to eat a burger!!

A Ingredients
Hamburger pattie                     4 pieces
Cheese                                      4 slices
Canned sliced pineapple           4 slices
Hamburger buns                        4 pieces
Lettuce                                      4 slices
Tomato slices                            4 slices
Fried eggs                                  4 pieces

B Ingredients
Mayonnaise             to taste
Ketchup                  to taste                                                *my burger assembly station!!!

1. Grill the hamburger meat in a skillet until desired state, place a slice of cheese onto the meat when flipped to cook the second side, to let the cheese melt. 
2. Grill the pineapple slices in the same skillet until caramelized a bit on both sides. 
3. Separate the burger buns and toast in a toaster a bit, spread with mayonnaise and ketchup, then place a piece of lettuce, tomato slice, hamburger meat with cheese, grilled pineapple, and fried egg, replace the top, serve hot with some fries or onion straws. 

Serving: 4

*Double Bacon cheeseburger!!!

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