Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Party Ham Rolls

The best part about this roll is that all the ingredients are right there in your frig!!! It can be served as party platter, or add a side dish to create a weeknight dinner for the family!!

A Ingredients
Tortilla, burrito size                      2 slices
Lettuce                                         4 slices
Tomato, sliced                              6 slices
Cheese                                           4 slices
Ham                                               6 slices

B Ingredients
Cream cheese                                ½ cup
Sun-dried tomato, minced          5-7 pieces
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Measure all B ingredients into a bowl, mix with a fork, set aside.
2. Microwave the tortillas in towels for around 20 seconds to soften it.
3. Spread the B spread onto the tortilla, then add the lettuce, tomato slices, cheese slices, ham slices, tightly roll up. 
4. Cut the rolls into bite sizes, arrange on a platter, decorate with some cherry tomato, grapes, or strawberries to make the platter more appetizing!!!

Serving: around 12 bite size ones. 

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